Environmental education

We help people to understand natural processes in order to embrace Sustainability and behave accordingly.

Despite being one of the species that inhabit the planet, we live in a so-called nature deficit. We have become disconnected from nature and are unaware of the processes that govern it.

In order to reconnect with the environment we develop activities that allow us to learn about natural processes, thus helping us to create and enjoy a better bond with Nature.

We are connected to Nature, and we are interdependent

This new way of relating to nature offers a new way of understanding Sustainability and makes it easier to work for it.

If we are to be sustainable, we have to change our relationship with Nature; this is how we go about it:

The forest is the classroom

We offer methodologies that make it possible to learn in the field and to experiment in Nature in a practical and fun way.

Clear language

We use simple, direct and non-technical language to understand the reality of the natural environment.

Defending the truth

We debunk misconceptions about nature, and we refute them with correct messages.


Whoever understands the relationship between Nature and society is committed to solving environmental problems.

New perspectives

Education has a direct impact on people’s awareness, which opens up a
new perspective aligned with Sustainability.

Natural connection

We help people to rediscover that we are part of Nature and that we are connected.

Would you like to know what activities these organisations developed to help people learn about Sustainability?

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